English language requirements

Applicants for registration must satisfy Council that they are able to comprehend and communicate effectively in English in the medical workplace, as one of the prerequisites for registration.

Candidates applying for the New Zealand Registration Examination (NZREX Clinical) must establish that they have a reasonable ability to comprehend and communicate effectively in English as a prerequisite to sitting the examination.

The Council's English language policy provides the way for Council to be satisfied that applicants meet that standard. To be eligible for registration or to sit NZREX Clinical, you must meet one of the seven options outlined in Council’s English Language Policy.

Our policy sets out the specific requirements you must meet.

English language policy

  • English language policy

    All doctors must satisfy our English language requirements before applying for registration or NZREX Clinical. To qualify for registration or NZREX Clinical, you must meet one of the seven options outlined in Council’s English Language Policy.